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Using Affirmations To Attract Money And Abundance

Financial affirmations can help you change your mindset about money. If you find yourself saying you don't have enough money or that you want more money than you have right now, you are probably suffering from a lack of self confidence. It's important to have self-confidence and to feel like you can control your financial destiny. Here are some ways you can make financial affirmations work for you.

The first way to make positive money affirmations work for you is to use the words to yourself. You can create financial statements about your finances by taking statements from your favorite sources - from an article you read online, an article you heard at a seminar, or a financial plan you created yourself. Consider writing your own statements or finding statements from magazines you enjoy reading and quoting them when creating your own financial statement. These statements will be your guide to getting what you want out of your finances. If you like reading magazines, pick out three to four and read them each day for a week. Writing your own statements will take time, but the more you do it, the more you will learn and grow in your financial knowledge base.

To attract financial wealth, you also need to think about the money you want. Think about how much you earn in a given pay period and write down your estimated expenditures for that period. This will give you an idea of where your expenses lie and will allow you to identify areas in which you can cut back or increase your expenses. Some people prefer to create money mantras that include specific things they want to purchase - cars, electronics, or vacations. Others prefer to write down their goals and look for financial affirmations that support those desires.

When you have spoken to yourself about prosperity and abundance thinking, write down that statement and continue to think about it. It will help you see situations that might make you feel bad if you were in them, but which will make you feel good if you're in them. Sometimes, it is hard to understand how you feel about something when you are experiencing it, but by repeating the statement to yourself over it will become clearer. Eventually, you will come to understand that whatever your emotions say about a situation are based on truth, while your actual reality is based on feelings that go along with thoughts. Thus, changing your emotional and thinking thoughts about situations, will change the reality that is created by them.

In addition, when you are speaking to yourself in financial affirmations about manifesting money, remember that you can attract all the money and material possessions you want, but you cannot get them from nowhere. The universe has its own plan for you to make money and bring abundance into your life, whether it is by working at an office all day, having children, or traveling around the world. To make millions of dollars, you must make large amounts of small amounts of money. Money, when spoken to in financial form, is always equated with power.

When you are speaking to yourself about financial freedom and making large amounts of money, you must be very careful not to mistake the power of money with the freedom of being worthy. You must keep in mind that you will not be worthy if you do not work to earn your way to the top. Think of receiving money as food on the table for your family, rather than as something you get just because you want it. Receiving money will take work, but earning it will not. Thus, it is important that you speak to yourself about both concepts, when talking to yourself about manifesting money and financial freedom.

Finally, in order to truly manifest what you want through using affirmations about finances, you must be dedicated to changing your habits. When you are living a lifestyle of financial instability, it will be very difficult to attract what you desire in your life and to manifest the things you want. In other words, if your finances are unstable, then you will be unable to use financial affirmations to become financially free until you start improving your financial situation. Therefore, once you have a solid foundation of stability, you can begin utilizing affirmations to become financially free.

Remember, it takes hard work and effort to attract prosperity and abundance into your life, and you must be willing to put forth the effort before you can experience both aspects. When you are dedicated and determined, both elements will eventually come into your life without any effort on your part. Thus, when you are speaking to yourself about using financial affirmations to attract money and abundance, remember to use the words "work hard" and "believe" as you repeat your affirmations. These two concepts will help you attract the prosperity and abundance you desire.