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{What Is SEO Writing? 5 Key Points to Help You Excel in the Search Engine Rankings

What is SEO writing? SEO writing is nothing but the process of optimizing website content to attract search engines. SEO copywriters and internet marketers use SEO in various ways to improve their website's ranking and organic exposure. The key to writing for SEO is to blend targeted keywords with top-quality copy
| What Is SEO Writing? 5 Key Points to Help You Excel in the Search Engine Rankings

What is SEO writing? SEO writing is nothing but the process of optimizing website content to attract search engines. SEO copywriters and internet marketers use SEO in various ways to improve their website's ranking and organic exposure. The key to writing for SEO is to blend targeted keywords with top-quality copy.
A. Analyze your content to identify strong keywords. Analyze these keywords in relation to your website's purpose. A strong keyword should be used as a primary keyword in the headline or title of an article or on the first page of a site. The keywords used in headers and page titles should also be strong enough to rank high in search engine results. When looking for keywords to use, always ask yourself what kind of search would your audience be searching for via the keywords you are using.

B. Always use proper terminologies. Your SEO writing content should be written in good common language. Make sure you target your audience and explain your keywords in simple everyday language. You wouldn't put the word "fog" in the first paragraph of a marketing article about window cleaning. People would not understand what you are trying to say.

C. Avoid keyword stuffing. Keyword stuffing can lead to poor optimization. You need to be able to tell what a particular keyword is and if the keyword fits into your content. If not, then you need to consider whether you need to tweak your article to make it more SEO friendly. If so, then stick to the basics such as choosing one keyword per sentence and keeping your keyword short and sweet.

D. Eliminate distractions. Your SEO content should not be filled with links that just add to the clutter and distract from your main points. The last thing you want is your reader getting sidetracked. Make sure your links make sense and add to your content. Also remember, do not link to your domain authority or your home page because that is where you want the user to go and find what they are looking for, which is your link.

E. Avoid using multiple keywords in the title. The SEO rules on article titles are very tight, and any site that breaks one of them can have their pages pulled from the search engines. Also keep your header tags simple and don't stuff your keywords into them. This will increase your chances of being ignored by the search engines and causing your page 1 listing to come up lower in the SERPs. Keep your header tags informative without overt promotional talk.

F. Be sure you have good page 1 keyword density. In other words, don't put more than 50 percent of your keywords on your first page title, OK? The search engines will penalize you for it and also if you use the same keywords a lot in your description, which is what is called an anchor text in SEO parlance. Anchor texts are simply words linked to your webpage by another website or a link.

G. Be strategic about using keywords in your social media posts. Many of the major social media sites such as Facebook and Google+ have rules about excessive keywords in your alt text. So do your best to limit your keywords to two per post. Alt text is what appears in a user's profile description. It is also called "links" on the social media sites. This is why the rule is so strict and why you need to be strategic about how you use them.